The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

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+420 608 681 217


Akční nabídka

Popis činnosti

*By Appointment Only Monday through Saturday*

No matter your story, we welcome you to join us as we all try to be a little bit better, a little bit kinder, a little more helpful—because that’s what Jesus taught. We are a diverse community of followers of Jesus Christ and welcome all to worship here. We fellowship together as well as offer youth and children’s programs.

Jesus Christ can make you a better person. You can make us a better community. Come worship with us. Church services are held every Sunday. Visitors are always welcome.



+420 608 681 217 Main

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Otevírací hodiny

Po 9 - 18
Út 9 - 18
St 9 - 18 Dnes
Čt 9 - 18
9 - 18
So 9 - 18
Ne 9 - 18

Klíčová slova

Church, Christian Church, Sunday Service, Worship, Jesus Christ


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